Instagram Likes: Strategies To Consider In 2023

Are you struggling to get your Instagram account off the ground? Most users don’t receive many (or any) likes and views on their posts, and that really limits their visibility and exposure. It can be discouraging, especially if you want to monetize your personal account or you’re a business that wants to boost your customer base.

There’s no need to struggle anymore. Here are some essential tips and information that will help you boost your IG likes and importance; we’ll describe a few that will help you make small gains, and finish with the number one strategy in 2023 for Instagram success. But first, one key question.

Why are Instagram likes essential?

The more likes you get, the more visible your content will become.

That’s because of the way that Instagram allocates visibility. The platform’s most popular accounts will receive the most exposure, meaning their posts will be shown widely and be the ones most likely to add large numbers of views and likes. They’re the accounts that will gain the most organic followers, too.

This has an important implication: to have a chance at a big audience, you need lots of likes on your posts. That will be a signal to Instagram’s algorithms that your content deserves more visibility on the app; once more people are seeing your content, you’ll have a fighting chance at growing your account dramatically.

Different types of strategies to get more Instagram likes

The first two approaches should incrementally increase the number of likes you receive on your posts. They’ll require some extra work and can take a while to work, but they’re worth trying.

Using the right hashtags

Using the right hashtags can make a difference.  No, hashtags aren’t just something fun and interesting to add to your Instagram posts; they’re an important factor in getting as many likes as possible. When users search for specific subjects on Insta, the hashtags that you have added will show up in the results. The more hashtags you add per post (within reason, of course), the better the chance that you will get more viewers for your content and more Instagram likes.

Posting quality and interesting photos and videos

For most of us, reading isn’t our favorite thing in the world. We like seeing images and watching videos. That’s why adding interesting photos and videos that people haven’t seen before will attract more viewers and gain more likes for your Instagram posts.

However, no one wants to look at content that’s blurry, shaky, or out of focus. Your photos and videos have to be high-quality and interesting to watch. People also don’t care about boring content; they’ll quickly move on to the next post on their feed once you lose their interest. They’ll have little interest in watching, and they certainly won’t hit the like button. To maximize your likes, you must post high-quality, compelling content.

You should also be posting consistently. Your best sources of likes are your existing followers, and if you don’t post regularly, they’ll probably unfollow you and they won’t be liking any of your posts. Post your photos and videos right around the same time every day. Even if you are just posting weekly, that consistency will have your followers looking forward to your content.

The secret to accumulating the most likes: buying likes packages

This may seem like cheating, but it isn’t. There’s nothing in Instagram’s terms and conditions that prohibits buying likes, and you purchase them for an important reason other than the fact that they make your content look more popular and worth watching.

Since the system allocates exposure for posts based on an account’s popularity, it pays to look more popular to the Instagram algorithms. Buying likes for your posts does just that.

Once the algorithms see that your posts are becoming more and more popular, they’ll be shown to a much larger audience that will be able to watch your videos and like them. The end result is organic growth for your like count – and your followers, too. That’s the secret to strong, fast increases in Instagram importance and popularity.

Before you run off and buy likes, though, be careful. Many scammy websites create “fake” likes with bots, and they don’t carry any weight with the IG algorithms. In fact, they can get your account deleted in a flash. Only real likes from real Insta users will boost your exposure, like count, and organic popularity, and only reputable services sell them. Shop carefully.


Building your Instagram account means finding ways to become more popular, and a higher IG likes count shows that your content is being displayed widely across the platform. Most strategies for boosting likes work slowly and only make a small difference. Purchasing Insta likes is the key to fast, sustainable, and impressive Instagram growth.